Permaset Ink Screen Printing On Light Garment By Screenprint Artist Malaysia - Triton Lim

1st Collection Screen Print

From idea to sketching, then inking, then screen print method, and wa...lah appear on t-shirt. Tough path to get know and use screen printing. Crazy. But what to do, when sales services turn you down at the door step. Giving answer NO, that couldn't be done, must giving AI. Piss me off. That's why I studied screen print. I'm sad that local sales services/customer services, they are lack of knowledge in screen printing. When they can't give you the answer, they will properly say NO, you got to giving me AI. Sad, right.

What to do? Would you be change?


本地很多人称它为silkscreen。很多时候,服务员不明白也不懂绢印制作过程,就回答顾客,办不到,一定要AI File。这也是导致我去学习绢印的一大原因。